NUT must take action alongside support staff on October 14th
As expected Unison, GMB and Unite have announced further
strike action to secure a genuine pay rise for their low-paid local government
members, including school support staff. They will take their next action on
October 14th and there should be more workers involved in this
action as Unison intend to ballot members in academy chains who were not
involved in the July 10th strike. As one of the key unions involved
in the July 10th action it is essential that the NUT calls our next
action to coincide with this national strike. Apart from the opportunity to
co-ordinate with the country’s biggest unions we cannot surely fail to grasp
the potential to make a greater impact by acting alongside our support staff
You would think that the common sense of this approach would
need little or no argument. The NUT continues to pursue our three-year campaign
to defend pensions and national pay and to link these issues with quality
education for all young people. Our recent annual conference reasserted the
importance of co-ordinating the action part of this campaign with other unions,
in particular school staff unions. How could we miss such an opportunity?
Unfortunately it may not be so straightforward. The NUT Conference also agreed
to run a full-scale consultation of members on the next stages in our campaign,
including the levels of action members would support, and to start this
following the July 10th strikes.
We now know that this consultation (known as ‘the big
conversation’) will start in early September via a mailing in the Teacher
magazine and continue until October 23rd when a special meeting of
the Executive will consider the responses before debating the next steps. So
the consultation will be in process on October 14th when our fellow
unions take their next action. There is no reason why this should prevent the
NUT from taking action with them. We already have a mandate in our national
ballots and the decision by conference to seek as a matter of priority to
co-ordinate with other unions strengthens that in this case. In fact our
Conference policy specifies that we are ‘seeking to co-ordinate with other
education and public sector unions where possible and showing flexibility to
any timescales they may have". It will also seem (and indeed
be) bizarre to members if we remain at work, crossing picket lines on a day
when support workers who we walked out alongside in July are on strike. Nevertheless
I expect there will be many on the Executive who will see the ongoing
consultation as a reason to abstain from joint action in October.
There is clearly no technical reason why we cannot take
action on October 14th with Unison, GMB and Unite. A circular to
Executive members from the General Secretary on August 28th stated
that ‘colleagues
on the Executive will have views about whether we could call action on October
14th saying that the consultation is about action beyond that date,
or whether we should wait for the results of the consultation before calling
further action. This can be discussed on 5th Sept at the special
executive’. If
we fail to strike with school and local authority colleagues we would therefore
need significant reasons to think it would weaken rather than strengthen our
campaign. It is hard to think of any plausible way in which it would do that.
I will be arguing for the NUT to take action on
October 14th side-by-side with the other unions. It would be an
irresponsible waste of an opportunity to do anything else. Our action is measured
by its success in closing or partially closing schools and there is no doubt
that teachers and support staff (including caretakers) together will be more
effective in delivering those closures than either group would be alone. It is
also the case that teachers are better organised and more heavily unionised
than support staff and, therefore, our abstention on October 14th
would significantly reduce their confidence and the impact of their
action. Joint action can also continue
to pose questions for our colleagues in the other teacher unions- in particular
why, if they continue to oppose the pay and pension reforms and have a mandate
to take action, they refuse to be part of a growing campaign of co-ordinated
action by millions of workers on the same issues. Abstention, on the other
hand, simply makes us look divided and disorganised.
NUT members and local associations should contact
their Executive members before the September 5th meeting and urge
them to support any proposal to ensure that the Union takes action alongside
our teaching assistants, mentors, admin and other colleagues on October 14th.
That day’s action must be as good as, if not better than, July 10th.
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